Safety Tips for Runners & Walkers
Always tell someone where you are going.
Stay on well-traveled and well-lit roads.
If possible, run with a dog, a group or at least one other person.
Don’t wear headphones, but if you do, lower the volume or just leave in one
ear bud.
Bring your phone and install a safety app.
If someone looks suspect, cross the street or go the other way.
Vary your routes. Don’t be predictable.
Know where you are going. Looking confused and lost can make you a target.
Don’t be distracted. Remain aware and know your surroundings.
Reconsider the ponytail. Opt for a bun or something harder to grasp onto.
Running confidently, tall and focused, displays confidence.
Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
Bring pepper spray.
Run against traffic.
Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails.
Wear reflective material if running before dawn or after dark.
Practice memorizing license plates and characteristics of strangers.
Carry a noisemaker.
Call Police Immediately if something happens or does not seem right.
Do not stop during a run to help, give directions, or talk to strangers.
Park your car in a busy well-lit area.
Stay Alert!